One app, endless possiilities.

We make apps that are customised to use NFC and RFID technologies at their best starting from each product's production specifics.

Customised app

Each product has its historu, its communications record and its strong poins. We will help you tell and convey them through interactive experiences that can involve consumers. Through the app, the consumer can even customise the product through original contents, creating a truly unique experience.


The limit is your imagination. any physical product can be enhanced through digital.

Statistics and information

Post-sale monitoring of consumer activities is difficult and crucial to make your products and communication strategies perfect. Through our apps you will be able to monitor different parameters, obtaining useful and constantly updated statistics through a portal that is easy to use and change.


A product starts its own life every time is purchased by the end user. Thanks to a customised app you can makeconsumer and brand interract on a deeper level, creating a long and continuative bond that can improve your position in the market.

Think about what you could achieve through a customised app.

Or we can think about it together.

What is a customised app useful for?

Create real experiences

You can create more pleasant using experiences through a customised app that conveys the right message at the right time.

Make your products come to life

All it takes is a smartphone to scan any product with a NFC chip: this way it is easier to activate your clients through exclusive contents and much more.

Digital and physical at the same time

Physical products become a new sale and communication channel that can be directly controlled by the company.


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